For me, finishing the dissertation process (and earning the degree) offered some breathing room. I took time to sleep, actually get my teaching work accomplished during work hours, and walk my dog more. I've since caught up on all that sleep and have pleasantly remembered that I love to read (or listen to audiobooks on my hour-long daily commute). I've been painting - canvas, not rooms - and have quite a few do-it-yourself projects completed and in-progress. Life is nice, normal, and relatively academically stress-free. There is no degree left to earn. I feel finished. No more school, no more books, no more editors dirty....revisions.
All of this is not to say that I've been professionally hibernating. My school has offered a multitude of technology trainings, and even a couple of opportunities for me to present my research or my own technology upgrades. Lori Carter, educator extraordinaire, and I have collaborated on several conference presentations. The latest presentation was to a small group of independent school leaders/technology specialists in my area. And that was the tipping point. People around me now know my name. Maybe they don't care, but my name is out there.
So now, I feel a bit of creative energy to turn that dissertation into a journal article. (If you are out there reading this - publish me!) A new desire to present at larger conferences has begun to develop.
Something's brewing.